Here are some of my random highlights of Andrew Griffiths talk on The Power of Inspiration at #Filex.

·         Griffith’s recommended reading Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”; the book, released in 1937 is still relevant today, and I thought I would post some core principles from 5 of the chapters below.

·         Leave your ego at the door and have a real conversation.

·         Bad shit (apologies for the profanity!) is only one chapter of your life.
B Bad things happen to all of us we can either get bitter or better.
BBiz success happens in the heart
Put a pea under your cushion.

·         Andrew challenged us to the Rocking Chair Test; when you are old and sitting in your rocking chair will your life put a smile on your face?

·         Griffiths spoke extensively about ASSUMING and EMPATHY. 
o   Assuming makes an ASS out of U and Me!
o   Empathy ~ Learn to put yourself in the shoes of the person you are talking to. Think about life from their perspective. Think about what issues they may have and empathize with them.

I was especially touched by his talk on Empathy.  I am privileged to work with 100’s of passionate business owners who are exceptionally good at what they do.  Our role at ANISE consulting is to understand what the business owner needs from their management reports and work with them to achieve it.  Measure what is important, set up accounting / bookkeeping systems that work for your business, and provide support and advice as you need it.

Heather Smith and her team at ANISE Consulting, have assisted in setting up and supporting over 300 small businesses in Brisbane and beyond.  Their focus is on cashflow management.  They are leading experts in MYOB Accounting software and are dabbling in Xero.  For further assistance please contact us or join us;

from Heather Smith ~ MYOB Certified Consultant