Q: How difficult is it to transfer to cloud from MYOB?
Q: Can you import your data from previous solutions (I use Cashflow Manager) into a
new cloud solution?
Q: I currently use both QuickBooks and MYOB. How difficult is it to import existing data
without errors and does one of the Cloud solutions perform the importing better than

Typically you would not try to import history; you would set-up the framework and enter the opening balances. Importing is done in txt or csv format, so if you can export the data in txt or csv format, you can manipulate them as necessary in Excel, match the fields up as required and then import them into the solution. You want to do this so you can ensure the data is current and relevant.

SAASU – you can import chart of accounts, items, and contacts from MYOB. Here is
a link to further information for moving from MYOB


Here is a link to detailed support for moving from
MYOB and QuickBooks http://help.saasu.com/software/
XERO – you can import chart of accounts, items, and contacts from MYOB. Here is a
link to detailed support for moving from MYOB
http://help.xero.com/au/#Settings_ChartofAccountsMYOB. Here is a link to
detailed support for moving from QuickBooks
Here is a discussion about conversion tools for #XERO http://ow.ly/awCOW
Here is a list of all data that can be imported and exported into XERO
MYOB LiveAccounts – The Chart of Accounts is automatically setup when you sign up to
LiveAccounts depending on the business type. Contacts and Items can be imported
into LiveAccounts.