Today, I’m sharing an insightful discussion on how startups can effectively build their profiles through media. In this podcast, I bring a panel session entitled “Building Your Startup’s Profile with Media”. This was recorded at the 2024 Tropical Innovation Festival, which is held in Cairns in June.

The introduction was done by the lovely Nicky Jurd, a digital strategist and web developer based in Cairns. Joining me in the panel discussion was Carmen Braidwood, a modern media trainer and experienced television presenter from Perth, and Gemma Clancy a startup marketing advisor based on the Sunshine Coast.

Here are the top five takeaways from our expert speakers:

1) Understand the Media Landscape:

Modern media is diverse and accessible, ranging from traditional outlets like TV and radio to digital platforms like podcasts and social media. Recognising the right platform for your message is crucial.

2) Craft a Compelling Story:

Your story should be relevant, relatable, and engaging. Focus on the human element to make your narrative resonate with the audience.

3) Build a Strong Founder Brand:

Before seeking media attention, establish your own platform with clear, consistent messaging. This controlled content can attract media interest and help shape your public image.

4) Focus on Trust and Integrity:

Authenticity is key. Media interactions should demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness to build credibility with your audience and the media.

5) Leverage Modern Media Tools:

Use trending platforms like TikTok to share behind-the-scenes content and engage with a different audience. This can help you document your journey and create valuable content for future media opportunities.

This discussion, was part of the Tropical Innovation Festival #TIF2024.