I missed my 30 minute challenge yesterday, so I get a whole hour to dedicate today to XERO. I am not happy with the invoices I created yesterday, so I am going to relook at them. They need to be really clear, easy to read, and then I want to forget about them. I tripled the width of the border, as I want it to be easily
Heather Smith is a XERO Certified Advisor
identifiable in a pile of bills. I changed Quantity to Hours, because I bill in hours. I put a bit of purple promotional stuff on the invoice and have saved and uploaded it!
I tweet “I just customised my XERO invoice & it looks spanking hot!” @valeriekhoo replies “ You are one hard-working geek!
So I am now feeling pretty happy with XERO, and I pick up the (yawn) manual “Getting Started with XERO” to see what more I can learn. Did not learn anything unexpected there.
In MYOB I run everything I do as an activity. I cannot see any option to translate activities into activities in XERO. So I created them as items. That seems to have gone well. I will have to import the MYOB software into XERO grrr. I hate doing that because the prices change so frequently. So that was a good day I think.
Tomorrow I am going to write down all the things that you need in preparation for a XERO set-up.
I am undertaking a #30MXEROCHALLENGE which broadly translates into a 30 minute a day XERO learning challenge. I dedicate 30 minutes every day to learn more about this innovative online accounting solution.