Heather Smith and Tyler Caskey, Partner at The Bean Counters, discuss features, functionalities and updates in the Accounting Apps from June to July 2024.
Highlights from this episode include:
- A discussion around the importance of Apps offering training, ongoing training and training to meet different learning styles.
- Zohos expansion plans into Australia, and its vast platform offerings.
- Employment Hero’s Smart Match system checks candidate interest levels for your new jobs and auto-shortlists those interested. A potential competitor to Seek & LinkedIn.
- The payroll solution Gusto’s launch into the Australian market with an all-in-one platform for all-over-the-world teams.
- The data quality tool XBert has released the ability to develop customisable XBerts, allowing you to monitor areas of interest to you.
Contact details:
- Tyler Caskey https://www.linkedin.com/in/tylercaskey/
- The Bean Counters https://www.thebeancounters.com.au/