ANISE Consulting is committed to sustainable work practices.
Practical steps we take to make this a reality include:-
1. We strive to maintain a paperless office.
2. Our home office is insulated, with a whirly bird attached to the roof.
3. We have had a Climate Smart Home Service visit which included;
a. An energy audit by a licensed electrician;
b. Replacement of all incandescent light bulbs;
c. Installation of a wireless energy monitor.
4. We utilise the local library, reducing the production of books.
5. We use a worm farm as a shredder.
6. We reuse packaging material.
7. We recycle ink cartridges and use refilled ink cartridges.
8. We have dual flushing toilets and water efficient fittings in the rest facilities.
9. We have an energy efficient air-conditioner, set at 24 degrees Celsius.
10. Grass clippings around the office are composted.
11. Team members are encouraged to work from home where practical.
12. We encourage the use of emerging technologies.
13. Team members are encouraged to participate in PLANET ARKS Walk Safely to School day on May 15th.
14. We support a healthy work life balance and promote client visits during school hours.
15. We offer remote training, utilising LogMeIn software.
16. We invoice electronically, and rarely send out paper bills.
17. We communicate with our clients via email and telephone.
18. We include the statement Please consider the environment before printing this. at the bottom of our emails.
19. We support local businesses and opt to buy Australian where possible.
20. We seek to purchase eco-friendly products.
21. We seek to extend the lifecycle of products through maintenance and repair.
22. We encourage the use of public transport.
23. We are motivated to walk to clients where practical.
24. On 2nd August we are participating in PLANET ARK National Tree Day.
25. Electrical equipment is switched off at the end of the day.
Our efforts to reduce reuse, and recycle minimise our carbon footprint, our social impact and reduce our overheads. Our clients our community and our team benefit.
If you would like to comment on our sustainable work practices please contact us.