In this short video I’m going to cover some tips to optimise working with browsers while using Xero. To view this video on high definition on YouTube, click on the gear icon and select 720 P HD. If you find this video useful please like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel and share it with your friends.
What is a web browser?
So a web browser enables you to access the World Wide Web and there are a number of browsers out there, Firefox Internet Explorer, Safari and Google Chrome. I’m going to do this demonstration on Google Chrome; however you should have the same sort of features in whatever browser you are using.
How I quickly log into Xero using LastPass …
So what I’m going to go through is I’m going to show you how I access Xero and how I use Last Pass to assist me in this. I’m going to talk about Duplicate Tabs. I’m going to talk about Refreshing your Xero screen, linking back to Xero in an Email, and the Paste and Go option. So the first thing I want to show you is how I access Xero using Last Pass. So here we are at Google homepage, and when I access Xero I type in, press Enter and it comes up with my welcome to Xero screen, and my email and my password are automatically there because this is my work computer and this is from using Last Pass, so this Last Pass up here and enables me to enter up my password securely once I have logged on to it. So I log in to Last Pass every morning and then it lets me automatically log in to Xero, so I click in here log in to log in to Xero.
So I want now to talk to you about is DUPLICATE. What are we going to do is duplicate tabs. This makes it really easy to navigate using Xero. So here I am in Xero and at the very top here I have a tab. What I do is right click on that tab and choose the option Duplicate, going to do that few times to show you exactly what I mean. So I have Xero open multiple times in my same browser and on this screen I’m looking at the dashboard, on this screen I can go and I can have a look at the bank accounts, on this screen I might go and look at the contacts, and on this screen I might go and look at the reports. So I can quickly click on different Xero screens by duplicating the tabs across the top.
Now I want to highlight to you another feature which is RELOAD, which allows you to reload or refresh your screen. Looking at Xero here, the reload or refresh option is this little icon hit, little circle, or I can hold over here and right click and select reload. So why am I trying to use this? I may be looking at a report, so maybe I’m looking at expenses by contact report and I have sitting there Officeworks, I come across to my transactional area and I process a transaction. So this one will process to office works too so say okay and leave recorded that to office works. But when I come back here and look at my expenses, it has included that transaction that I did on the very first tab. So what I need to do is refresh the screen and you can see that the screen refreshed and changed that so reload is important one if you are working with duplicate tabs.
How to Email Xero links
This is really cool it shows you how to link back in Xero for example in an Email. So I’m going to show you how to give someone information and tell them, “Go and have a look at this in Xero and say exactly where I need you to look.” So here is a typical transaction sitting in Xero and at the very top you have this hyperlink. So what I’m going to do is prove that the hyperlink I will leave directly back to this transaction, I’m going to grab here, I got my word document here, going to grab this, copy, hola my word document. And there I have my hyperlink to get there. I’m going to shut down this page, so you can see this is Officework furniture. I’m going to shut down that page, call-up my document again and click control. And it opened directly to that transaction, see it’s a really handy way to perhaps share some information with people. You do have other option within Xero, but if you want to say, “Hey can you specifically go and look at this.” That’s what I like to do it.
Paste and Go option
And finally I just like to run you through the Paste and Go options. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to click on this hyperlink here, copy it, and I’m going to come across here and select new tab. So I have a new tab is directed at nothing and rather than go paste, what I’m going to do is paste and go. And so that means it’s kind of like I’ve pasted it and vented it at the same time so it’s going directly to that account for me so that’s excellent. So if you learn something from this video, please share the video with your friends and subscribe to my channel. This video covers tips to Optimise working with browsers while using Xero. This post contains affiliate links. If you found this video useful please like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel and share it with your friends.
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