Xero for Dummies

I’ve written Xero for Dummies, a comprehensive guide to using the fabulous online accounting system Xero. I’ve written this book,  like I’m sitting with you working you through every question you may have about Xero.

You can buy Xero for Dummies from all good book stores – you should find it one the book shelves with all the other yellow and black books. I guess it all depends on how you learn; If your the type of person who likes to read and work through detailed precise steps, then you’ll love this book, and hopefully it will find a nice place on your business book shelf for it.

“PS your Xero for Dummies book is invaluable. Thank you.” Margaret Gibson Director Cloudstreet.me

An elderly client surprised me the other day – she had already bought the e-book and told me she much prefers to have books on her iPad so she can take them with her where-ever she is. She made me feel like such a Luddite – I would never have thought of that – but buy it in what ever format works for you!

I’ve been a writer since I could put pen to paper, and I love to write about everything small business. I’ve written Learn MYOB in 7 Days (yep I’m a MYOB Certified Consultant), and I have written Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days (a brilliant book which I’m really proud of!).

Rod Drury TweetThen on 30th May I was contacted by Rod Drury CEO and co-founder of Xero. I took a proposal to my publishers and here we are a year later, with a yellow, black and CYAN Dummies guide to Xero.

Here we are on iTunes:

Rod Drury Itune Xero for Dummies

Here we are on Amazon:

Amazon Rod Drury Xero for Dummies

Google tells me that a WHALE has a gestation period of around 365 days which is about how long it took from Rod contacting me to the arrival of the physical book…in fact it took about 4 months for me to write…but there are a lot of hoops to jump through to get a book approved, edited, published and distributed. In fact Mamma WHALE has produced quadruplets!! There are another 3 Xero for Dummies titles soon to be launched. Exciting huh?

I’ve also been asked if I work for Xero. No, I don’t work for Xero. I am an independent Xero Certified Advisor. I think it is important for everyone involved, especially you the user, that I was totally independent. I hope you agree….However saying that, Xero have been incredibly supportive and have technically checked every corner of the book!

If you would like to hear more about the writing process you can listen to this interview I did with Tim Reid on theSmall Business Big Marketing podcast and Pete Williams on the Preneurcast show. I hope you find them entertaining interviews. I have received some lovely feedback about them.

Extract from Author’s Acknowledgements from Xero for Dummies

Many thanks to Xero who have kindly endorsed the book. Xero staff around the world have answered queries into the wee hours of the morning, and the elite Xero training team have technically checked the book. So thanks to the extraordinary staff and partners of Xero — from Sue Pak, Tim Wright, Gayle Abou Maroun, Colleen Diver, my magnanimous account manager Jason Forbes, the ORANGILICIOUS Catherine, and Xero consultants Cassandra Scott, Melanie Morris, Gillian Rossouw, to everyone else in-between, and especially those who provided the technical check of the material and responded to my pesky night-time queries! Thanks to Rick Van Dyk and Matthew Addison and the team at the ICB Australia. Thanks to my writing mentor and friend Valerie Khoo and her Australian Writers’ Centre community — in particular, Bill Harper and Alistair McKillop, who challenge and believe in my writing.

The RRP of this book is $39.95, the additional charge is to cover postage.

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    Packed with easy to follow explanations and instructions on how to use this popular accounting software.
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Learn Small Business Start-up in 7 Days


Thinking about starting a business? Then Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days is the book for you. It is a comprehensive DIY program to work with you to develop a business plan. It explains concepts then asks you to complete questions based on your business, then tells you where to slot the answers in the business template.

Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days Guides you through key aspects of getting a new business up and running, from a self assessment about whether you are really prepared, through to finance, marketing, and legal issues, highly sought-after small business commentator Heather Smith covers it all.

The practical guide to learning the essentials of starting your own business in just one week.

Learn Small Business Start-up in 7 Days carefully explains everything you need to know to efficiently and effectively start a business, the book comprehensively covers the basics in 7 chapters, one for every day it will take you to get ready to leave the rat race and live your small business dream.

  • Covers everything you need to know to start and prosper as a small business owner
  • Helps you gauge whether running a small business is right for you
  • Offers expert advice from a highly-respected small-business specialist

While running a small business allows you to turn your passion into your livelihood, it is also often very demanding on your time, your cash reserves, and your sanity. With this book in hand, you have everything you need to lay a solid foundation for small business success.


Day 1: Are you ready to start a business?
Day 2: Establishing your business
Day 3: Getting professional advice
Day 4: Marketing
Day 5: Finances
Day 6: People power
Day 7: Launching your business

This is a recording with Pete Williams of PreneurCast about the Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days. Hope you find it interesting.

“If anyone can teach you how to start a business in 7 days, it’s Heather Smith. Reading this book is like having a trusted friend guide you through your uncertain – but exciting – journey of starting your own business.”

Valerie Khoo — Small business adviser, Enterprise columnist for five daily newspapers and author of Power Stories: The 8 Stories You MUST Tell to Build an Epic Business.

“If you aren’t reading this book, I bet your competitors are! It’s full of down to earth, practical advice that will help you achieve better business results.”

Louise Stuart, Head Girl, Academy Apps

“I have read a lot of Start-Up books and e-newsletters, however Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days is just so useful and comprehensive – I wish I had access to this resource for client’s years ago. It’s so well-written, helping you map your own start-up journey – with sound, practical advice from a lady who knows this topic very well.”

Mark Paddenburg, CEO, Innovation Centre Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd, www.innovation-centre.com.au

“Heather Smith has built a wonderful business and career based on her genuine desire to help small business succeed. An empathetic and considered business woman Heather understands the day-to-day challenges faced by small business including limited resources, fierce competition and, of course, maximising time. She is the perfect person to author this book as it draws on her years of experience and allows her to further her passion of creating enduring and successful businesses.”

Simon Lockyer — Co-Founder Everyday Hero Pty Ltd

“Heather’s knowledge of, and passion for supporting small business is on display once more in this comprehensive book, a must for all would be start-ups. Her accessible, informative style is a pleasure to read.”

Sam Leader, Director, www.flyingsolo.com.au

“Heather Smith’s new book Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 days contains practical information that will help those wanting to start their own business. Her down to earth and friendly style makes reading and taking action each day simple.”

Susan Oakes — Director, Marketing For Business Success, www.m4bmarketing.com

“My key take-aways are that I need to seek some professional help at least in the high risk areas – legal and financial. And I should probably do some more business planning as well 🙂 Boot strapping is one thing when just starting out but I don’t want to make a mistake that will set me back before I have moved forward. I heard you talk on Pete Williams podcast, and really loved the message you put out there for entrepreneurs and that’s why I read the book. I will be using your book as a check list to make sure I have thought about all of the stuff that isn’t the product or the marketing. I think this is what most entrepreneurs spend 99% of their time thinking about and to have someone remind them that there are other things they need to get right is a breath of fresh air.”

Andrew – the next start-up to watch!!