I am a regular user of twitter, my primary twitter name is @MYOBTrainer, but I also go by the name of @ANISEConsulting and @XEROTrainer, depending on which hat I am wearing.

Above you will see a short twitter conversation, it started with me on the computer, tired, exasperated and ordering pizza.  Michelle Bridges the Personal Trainer from the Biggest Loser follows my tweets, and responded in 2 minutes ‘don’t do it!!’  Powerful and unexpected intervention; I can’t order pizza now can I?  So we pulled it together and ended up with beef kebabs, salad, and a lot less calories.  Thank-you Michelle.

If you want to get started with twitter, I suggest you create a twitter account, and download Tweetdeck, and just have a mosey around to see if you like it.  It is another world, another language, but if your customers are there, you should be aware of it.


from Heather Smith ~ MYOB Certified Consultant