Have you ever filled out a contact form on a website or sent an email and weeks later you are still waiting for a response?

Unless you have been extremely lucky you probably have experienced this and felt a little frustration or even felt angry.

This issue is not restricted to large companies. It seems from reading a number of small business blog posts, especially the ones that are enjoying healthy growth, responding to emails appear to be lessening in importance.

I have even seen contact pages that say please contact me and fill out the form; however we receive so many emails it may take some time to get back to you.  I asked  the following question on Twitter – “Do you always answer emails especially those sent from your contact page on your website (scammers and spammers aside)?


Read more here :- Don’t You Just Hate Being Ignored? by Susan Oakes http://bit.ly/9209mR


from Heather Smith ~ MYOB Certified Consultant