Travelling on business can be a busy and rushed experience and when you get back to the office, if you are anything like me, you have masses of paper, notes and work to trawl thru.  To keep yourself organised I suggest you take a small purse to amass all those tax deductible receipts.  Peacock zip purses from Lyssy May are an ideal and attractive solution.  Keep it in your briefcase and when you collect a receipt, the brightly coloured and unusual texture of Lyssy Mays’ Peacock zip purses can easily be found.  Now if you are really efficient, when you have some quiet/waiting time, you can pull out the purse, and write the purpose of the expense on the receipt.  When you get back to the office you or your bookkeepers’ job will be so much simpler.

If you lose a receipt, and then don’t properly claim all of your deductibles, your cashflow will be adversely affected.  You will end up paying more taxes.  Keep it simple, stay organised, get yourself a receipt purse and positively impact your cashflow.


from Heather Smith ~ MYOB Certified Consultant