While I was at FILEX, I surprisingly met a lot of people I know. I accidently bumped into someone, as I was heading towards a session, and she recommended I drop into the session GOOD MOOD FOOD with Joanna McMillan Price.  I was pretty easy going and took up her suggestion.  As I entered the session, I nearly cried!  I love Joanna; she is the exquisite Scottish dietician from the TODAY show.

Her voice is simply lovely to listen to, and she imparted her wisdom in really simple to understand language.  I was able to digest (pun intended!) some of her talk, but some sailed over my head.  Thru the event she had three talks Good Mood Food, Digest This 2010, Fat Loss Success 2010, but I was only able to get to Good Mood Food.

I would like to share with you my random notes of the event;


whole foods = less depression                          processed foods = more depression


You need to have ALA EPA and DHA oils.  (Oils ain’ oils!)

From my notes you get ALA’s from flaxseed, chia oil, walnuts, and you get EPA and DHA from fish, and kangaroo meat.

Omega 3’s (fishy oils) are linked to your mood, low levels have been shown to coincide with suicide attempts, ADHD’s, anxiety, postnatal depression.  If you only took one thing away from the talk it was eat take Omega 3 supplements daily (100mg a day), because it is unlikely that you are getting enough in your diet.  The talk took a surprising turn, as she said even fish may not have a high level of Omega 3, depending on where it was caught.  Fish need to eat micro algae – green pond slime I think, they don’t just naturally produce Omega 3, so if they are farmed fish and fed grains, they are may have low levels.

The talk went on to red meat; you need your meat to be grass fed.  Stay away from Wagu meat, the marbled meat or the grain fed meat, it is not natural.

She recommends CHIA Oil.  The chia oil can be used for salads, baking, but not cooking.  You can buy the seeds (grown in Western Australia) and put them in your porridge.

Bakers Delight are doing a CHIA bread – and the audience said it tasted good.

She recommends visiting Victor Churchill’s butcher (wow check out the website they even have their own iPhone app – now that is a luxurious destination!!

Kangaroo meat is cost effective and has loads of good omega.

Green Tea – 4 cups a day (my preference is decaffeinated)

Folate, zinc and Iron were also important.

Well by the time you have eaten all this food that is going to put you in a good mood; you will not have room for anything else!

Dark chocolate has an element which is provides a similar effect to marijuana (I feel hungry now I have mentioned chocolate)

Suggested reading The End of Overeating by Kessler

If this is of interest to you, I suggest you have a look thru the pdf’s, and visit Joanna McMillan Prices’ website.




Good Mood Food

Digest This 2010

Fat Loss Success 2010


from Heather Smith ~ MYOB Certified Consultant