🏁Let’s get started! Discover the most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter📧 in this w/c 10.7.22:

Tech-savvy Operators Deserting Dinosaur Practices | (Accountants Daily)

Savvy operators hungry for change are abandoning larger firms in favour of smaller practices or setting up on their own, said the head of accounting at Intuit QuickBooks, Shaye Thyer. Speaking on this week’s Accountants Daily podcast Ms Thyer ­– a finalist for Thought Leader of the Year in the recent Australian Accounting Awards – said decision-making in traditional firms was too hidebound to embrace the latest technology.

How to Track Billable Hours so Clients Pay You | (MinuteDock) 

Billable hours are any work you or your team do that you can charge clients for at an hourly rate. Obviously, the easiest way to increase profits is to increase your billable hours. But how do you know what you can charge for? And how do you increase billable hours without reducing the quality of your services? This article will answer all of those questions and more! 

Navigating Financial Modelling With Clients | (Fathom) 

Meet David Maher, founder of Right Brain Insights, a provider of outsourced CFO solutions. Learn how David is helping business owners achieve clarity and confidence to improve their cash flow post-COVID. He shares how Fathom’s beautiful visualisations create ‘light bulb’ moments for clients, and provides three practical tips to improve engagement.

The Fundamentals of Business Process Optimisation | (Forecast) 

If a core team’s access to the company’s server is disconnected with no way of IT remedying the issue, work throughout the company could grind to a hold. Likewise, if the sales and marketing teams don’t have a defined process for sharing key information, how are they meant to work together effectively? The best way to resolve these issues is through business process optimization. Business process optimisation can seem like a complex topic, but it’s really quite straightforward. Let’s break it down.

How to Stay in Control of an Increasingly Distributed Workforce| (Practice Protect) 

Cloud technology is becoming essential to the accounting industry, are you cloud-optimised? The move to the cloud has changed not only how you work as an accountant, but also the way your team is structured, and how and where they work. Staying in control of a distributed team and ensuring security standards are met when working with client data requires a different solution from the past. Fortunately, the solution isn’t a more complex one.

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