💡Our curated report is ready for you! Only the most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter📧 during w/c 16.10.22:

What the Optus Breach Means for Accounting Firms | (Practice Protect)

The Optus breach has been all over the news, social media, and your inbox. But what does this breach mean for accountants like yourself? More than 2 million people have had their data leaked in the recent breach. Let’s take a look at what the data leaked was. Mainly, there were government identification numbers, email addresses, date of birth, phone numbers, driver’s license details, and passport numbers.

Average Bookkeeper Salary in the United States | (Synder Blog)

As the title of the article is quite unambiguous, it might seem that mentioning a couple of numbers would suffice. But the job market today is much more complicated than stating some numbers if one wants to get some deep insight into the topic. The average salary of any profession is influenced by a number of factors, so it’s logical to look into these variables. This article might be useful for those choosing their career path in accounting or aspiring to change jobs as well as for owners of businesses who are considering various accounting solutions for their business.

Quality Workflow Automation for Bookkeepers| (XBert) 

Welcome. This is the second of our Quality Automation for Bookkeepers series: workflow and work process. If you missed the first one, you can check it out here – but as a quick refresher, we’re exploring the four pillars of quality in high-performing bookkeeping practices such as quality data, quality work process, quality reporting and analytics, and quality client service. The second of the series deals exactly with what it means to have a quality work process, and how XBert is dedicated to helping you achieve the pinnacle of productivity and efficiency. We know workflow is a key element to ensuring not only quality in your output – but quality efficiencies.

Are Three Xerocons Better than One? | (Accounting Web – Heather Smith) 

Australian accountant, tech enthusiast and author of ‘Xero for Dummies’ Heather Smith attended all three of the ‘global’ Xerocons in 2022 and gives AccountingWEB the lowdown on what worked (and what didn’t) from the shows. Due to a series of unexpected, serendipitous events, she attended all three of this year’s Xerocons, held in London, New Orleans and Sydney. Read more about it here.

Cashflow Levers – Pricing – How to Significantly Impact Profit | (Business Depot) 

There is no activity that has the most significant impact on your cash flow other than pricing. An increase in price has the most significant impact on profit, as every dollar goes straight to your bottom line. The price will always have an effect that is 2 or 3 times higher than any driver. With so much focus on increasing revenue and reducing costs, people often avoid the dreaded thought of increasing their prices. We live in a world where we fear raising our prices because we think we will lose customers/clients. Let more about how to better position yourself through cashflow levers – pricing.

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