Happy New Year, folks!✨The most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter📧 during w/c 1.1.23:

15 of the Best Work-from-home Tools for 2023 | (ClickUp)

Since the onset of the internet, remote working has consistently grown to become one of the largest workforces in the world. However, it’s essential to indicate that very few people had foreseen a situation where this population would grow to the current numbers. Statistics show that 1 in 4 U.S. employees work from home, which is more than 26% of the nation’s workforce. If you’re planning to join this group in the coming months, you need to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages you’ll be getting. In this journey, there are multiple remote work tools to improve productivity that you should consider, but first, let’s look at what types of tools make this list.

How to Become a Freelance Accountant: 9 Tips for Succeeding in Freelance Accounting | (Synder

Freelance accounting is increasing in popularity. With the rise of online platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Remote. co, more and more people are working remotely to offer their services to businesses worldwide. This means that nowadays, freelancers have greater opportunities to find work and grow their businesses faster. Even if online accounting is something you’ve done for years, becoming a freelancer may seem tricky to begin with. And here’s how you can prepare yourself.

How to Effectively Handle Difficult Accounting Clients | (Jetpack Workflow

Dealing with difficult clients is one of the more challenging aspects of an accounting business owner. A client may be excessively demanding, disrespectful, or simply hard to work with, so you want strategies to manage these relationships successfully. In this article, you’ll find 15 tips for dealing with demanding clients or stressful situations and examples for putting each recommendation into practice.

Five Reasons Firms Are Struggling – and What to Do About It | (AccountToday

Let’s start with a broad “state of the profession”, by first listing the top challenges that are universally impacting accounting firms today. It’s highly likely that these issues will resonate with you. If you’re still reading, then you probably know all too well just how debilitating these pain points can be when trying to build and run a successful business. You’re likely also seeking insight into possible resolutions. So, let’s dig into each.

Top 11 ApprovalMax Resources for Bookkeepers | (ApprovalMax)

The ApprovalMax team has created the best compilation to start your year the right way. These resources they have pulled together include a list of the top resources written and designed to answer the tough, frequently asked questions they get from accountants and bookkeepers. From eBooks and guides to blogs and webinars, here’s a list of must-read and must-watch content.

Which one of these highlights have you enjoyed the most during this week? 📋

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