More ideas and 🤔 more useful recommendations! Here are your most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter📧 during w/c 12.2.23:

The Ultimate Virtual Assistant for CPAs Guide | (FutureFirm – Ryan Lazanis)

In this article, Ryan Lazanis highlights the many benefits of using the help of Virtual Assistants. A virtual assistant (VA) provides administrative tasks and various services remotely. They are also known as a remote personal assistant that is often used by small business owners to offload tasks that take up too much time. According to Ryan, every firm owner needs at least one remote assistant who takes some recurring and time-consuming tasks off their plate. Continue reading about the importance of VAs here.

Building Trust and Overcoming Your Clients’ Top 3 Mental Roadblocks | (Firm of the Future) 

Let’s be honest. We’ve all been “too busy” to do something at some point. In the case of business owners, we often hear they’re too busy to take a deep look at their business trends and cash flow. Sometimes, “too busy” just means something isn’t a priority. Maybe we don’t see the value in it. But often, “too busy” is a cover-up for an emotion that business owners don’t want to admit. It might be fear, shame, overwhelm, or doubt. When we dig deeper, we often find that a client who says they’re too busy is really struggling with a mental roadblock. Working in bookkeeping and accounting services is kind of like being a therapist.  And to truly be an irreplaceable advisor, you have to demonstrate emotional intelligence, empathy, and even vulnerability to gain your clients’ trust and respect. This is particularly true when helping your clients navigate mental roadblocks. Because trust in an advisor is what a client truly wants. Learn more about this useful skill here. 

Day-to-Day Responsibilities of a Payroll Service Provider | (Key Pay) 

Being a payroll provider isn’t easy. Running payroll services can be time-consuming, complicated, and involves plenty of legal requirements. Payroll providers don’t just do basic payroll calculations. Full-service payroll providers can do just about everything — from calculating pay, benefits and reimbursements to deducting taxes, filing relevant taxes, keeping payroll records and more. Let’s first find out what the day-to-day responsibilities of payroll providers are, and how it differs for a provider who uses manual calculations versus automated calculations. 

7 Cash Flow Metrics & KPIs You Should Be Tracking | (Unleashed Software) 

Cash flow can make or break a business. Cash flow metrics are measurements implemented by a business to record or predict money as it flows in and out of the company. They allow businesses to track and understand their cash flow, so they may make better-informed decisions about where and how they spend it. Even when you’re getting good sales and have high-profit margins, it’s easy for accessible cash to run dry. To stay on top of your financials, there are a few key cash flow metrics and KPIs you can track that will help you make the right decisions and avoid insolvency or liquidation. Here’s a look at the top seven.

How to Use a Welcome Packet to Successfully Onboard New Clients | (HoneyBook)

Critical files and collateral for independent businesses often include invoices, contracts, sales brochures, and more. But, there’s one tool you might not be using, which can play a big role in creating a great client experience and setting your projects up for success. That tool is a client welcome packet. When you start any project or a working relationship, it’s always important to get the last pieces of information that you might not have captured during the booking process. You also want to set expectations with your clients about how you should be communicating and working together. Lastly, you want to create a great impression, and that starts at the very beginning of your relationship with your client onboarding. Here’s everything to know about using a welcome packet with your clients and best practices to make sure yours is effective!

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