Advisory Boards Shape Industry Conferences

Quality Advisory Boards have an important role in shaping industry conferences. I’ve found myself in the position to influence many conferences, and sometimes this is through joining an Advisory Board or a Content Crew, or simply a one on one call with an organiser.

The Role of Advisory Boards

A mixed and diverse Advisory Boards serve as holistic insights into the latest trends, developments, and best practices in the accounting industry and guidance into what education the audience wants and needs. Actively engaged, they can positively influence the content, ensuring it is relevant, current and informative.

Championing Diversity and Inclusivity

As someone who sits on various Advisory Boards, I am focused on surfacing experts, and championing diversity and inclusivity.

I maintain a database of speakers in the Accounting Industry. If you’re organising a conference please get in touch.

The Pitfalls of a Panels that Look the Same

There’s no excuse for panels or conferences where the speakers all look the same (unless that was the focus). In today’s industry landscape, if you claim you couldn’t find diverse speakers, you’re not looking hard enough.

Best Practices for Advisory Boards

When someone submits a pitch to speak, acknowledge it with grace and follow up, regardless of the outcome. Also listen actively to your Advisory Board members and be transparent about  decisions, as the industry will think they are involved in them, and any fallout will impact them.

The Vendor Dilemma

Don’t let vendors dictate the content of your conference. An option is to engage with industry ambassadors who can speak authentically and credibly on relevant topics.

I’m keen to work with Conference Organisers

I do a look of work with the wonderful people at Terrapin. They believe in me, and let me drive the direction of the topic, conversation and panel. They get out of the way, and let me do what I do best. It is with appreciation I am given this opportunity. My focus is on the industry as a whole, and am keen to work with other conference organisers, when the opportunity arises.