
The Cloud Stories podcast shares the stories behind the people who build or use Cloud Apps that extend the capability of online accounting software. It explores:

How to implement and integrate Cloud Apps with online accounting software to automate processes, improve productivity, and profitability;
How to build a business developing Cloud Apps;
How to adopt Cloud Apps, build your own preferred tech stack, and introduce Cloud Apps to your client base.

Find opportunities for growth in your product career | Rosemary King

Now I'm back to my initial passion which is software, fintech, which is a domain that I've always found really fascinating. I think the psychology of money is really interesting. I think understanding your customers' emotional arc around how they interact with your product. Are they stressed? Are they anxious? Are they worried that [...]

2021-05-14T03:37:25+10:00June 25th, 2020|0 Comments

A Chance Meeting With Rod Drury on Her Honeymoon Changed this Female Software Engineer’s Destiny | Shanu Mehta

"We were in the city, Hawke's Bay (on our Honeymoon), and we were walking around. And we heard somebody talking to his team, that he had this problem, and asking how can you solve it? And we happened to be there. And then we went up to him and told him that, 'This is [...]

2024-12-12T09:08:55+10:00June 18th, 2020|0 Comments

How a modern future-focused firm scopes, selects and implements best of breed cloud solutions | Lee Duffield

I'm really fussy about the way salespeople contact me. If they start spamming me and if I think they've got my details illegally, I'm not happy at all. I would rather... like I know what I want and I'll reach out to them. And then it's around a demo and a clear plan of [...]

2021-05-14T03:47:39+10:00June 4th, 2020|1 Comment

Unlocking your untapped capacity using cloud applications | Amy Holdsworth

You can't be half pregnant. If you're going to adopt new software, new processes, new procedures, then damn well do it. Don't just kind of go halfway through the process and not actually change your mindset and your processes and procedures as well. If you're going to put in new software, look at everything, [...]

2021-05-14T03:54:06+10:00May 28th, 2020|0 Comments

Common traits of successful modern accountants and bookkeepers | Luis Sanchez

Some of the best Accountants and Bookkeepers are extremely opinionated. They challenge the hell out of their clients and so I'll put it very simply and this is just something I've heard just many, many times over: accountants and bookkeepers who go into a new prospect conversation going "I use this solution, and this [...]

2021-05-14T03:54:52+10:00May 21st, 2020|1 Comment

Living up to the critical role of “Recession-Proof Accountant” | Will Lopez

The two terms that came out of the Great Recession here in the US were 'Flat is Up', and the 'Accountant Recession' or the 'Recession-proof Accountant'. Flat is Up meant that accounting firms during that period were able to achieve flat growth year over year even though their workforce was eliminated by 40%. They [...]

2021-05-14T03:58:17+10:00May 14th, 2020|0 Comments

Tackling the challenges Accounting Apps face navigating Covid 19 | Nick Houldsworth

I think there's challenges, significant challenges, but any big kind of shift like this also creates opportunities. So, being ready for those opportunities, but also being realistic about some of the challenges that we have to face. And we don't know where we're at in the journey right now. It's kind of like a [...]

2021-05-14T03:57:35+10:00May 4th, 2020|0 Comments

How to create a scalable modern firm that can sell | Ryan Lazanis

"I mandated across the firm what type of clients we would work with, the personalities of those clients, the technology that was used, and the core service offering. So, that allowed us to standardise pretty much everything. I think that's the secret." Ryan Lazanis Today I’m speaking with Ryan Lazanis Founder of Future Firm [...]

2021-05-14T03:56:48+10:00April 14th, 2020|1 Comment

Playing the cloud game: how a computer game designer turned accountant built an app to transition his practice to the cloud | Paul Murray

Xero have been the first to say we're going to create a ecosystem and we're going to have an open API and you're going to be able to do all this cool stuff. But historically, that was never the case. Everyone lived in their silos. So for us now to all start talking together [...]

2021-05-14T03:56:00+10:00March 27th, 2020|0 Comments
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