Oriana Gorrin

About Oriana Gorrin

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So far Oriana Gorrin has created 214 blog entries.

Excel Tips for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Hi there! We are sharing the most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter again for the w/c 30.4.23: Excel Tips for Data and Artificial Intelligence | (INTHEBLACK) Learn to use Excel’s built-in artificial intelligence (AI) feature to analyse data. Ask questions and create reports based on the responses to those questions with the click of [...]

2023-05-07T05:24:38+10:00May 5th, 2023|0 Comments

How Leaders Prioritise Themselves, Reclaim Energy and Find Joy | Mel Kettle

Everybody should strive for a meaningful and purposeful life. And if you don't know what gives you purpose over your whole life, that's completely fine. But find a reason to get out of bed tomorrow. And one of the things that I love recommending to people is to go to bed thinking about something [...]

2023-06-01T23:26:31+10:00May 4th, 2023|0 Comments

I Asked Chat GPT to Describe My Writing Style

Fresh out of the oven, here are your most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter during w/c 23.4.23: I Asked Chat GPT to Describe My Writing Style | (Heather Smith Blog) Heather used the prompt: “Review and describe my writing style from the following three examples”. She included an email she’d just written, a LinkedIn [...]

2023-04-29T21:08:25+10:00April 28th, 2023|0 Comments

A Trio of Ways AI Can Turbocharge a Practice

Were you missing your weekly insights? Here are the most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter during w/c 16.4.23: A Trio of Ways AI Can Turbocharge a Practice | (Accounting Times) Invest in artificial intelligence and machine learning for the benefits it brings or risk being left behind. The popularity of ChatGPT has reignited a [...]

2023-04-24T17:06:33+10:00April 24th, 2023|0 Comments

Current Industry Trends and How They Impact the Accountants and Bookkeepers | Nick Sinclair

Have you ever been dumped in the surf? You’ve lost your footing. You’re disorientated and surrounded by swirling bubbly water. You’re running out of breath and starting to panic. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor and gauge the waves and brace yourself for impact. Then, with a firm footing, you are [...]

2023-06-01T23:28:57+10:00April 20th, 2023|0 Comments

Xero Bookkeeping Automation: 5 Workflows You Need to Automate

Welcome back, dear reader! It’s our pleasure to present the most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter during w/c 9.4.23: Xero Bookkeeping Automation: 5 Workflows You Need to Automate | (Method) If you’re running a business of any size, managing bookkeeping can quickly become a time-consuming and often tedious task. However, with the help of [...]

2023-04-14T20:27:50+10:00April 14th, 2023|0 Comments

Simple Ways to Integrate AI Into Your Practice

We’re excited to share our personal Easter egg! The most-clicked articles from the Accounting Apps newsletter during w/c 2.4.23: Simple Ways to Integrate AI Into Your Practice | (Publicaccountant) Using AI tools can save accountants and practitioners time, and add value for their clients. The key is knowing which tools to use, when to use [...]

2023-04-07T21:06:11+10:00April 7th, 2023|0 Comments

Karbon joins forces with Xero Practice Manager – FINALLY!! | Sara Goepel

Huge news from Karbon and the Xero ecosystem that I and many people have been waiting to hear for over 8 years. So I shall share with you two short interviews, Sara Goepel, Chief Product Officer at  Karbon, and then Jared Baker, Managing Director APAC at Karbon [...]

2024-04-09T09:38:55+10:00April 4th, 2023|0 Comments
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