
About Heather Smith

Heather Smith can help your business deliver powerful, engaging and educational content, through guest blog posts, educational instructions, video creation, podcasts, and social media blasts. She hosts the #1 independent Cloud Stories podcast Cloud Stories, authored Xero for Dummies, produces easy to follow videos on her YouTube channel and hosts the Cloud Accountants and Advisors Meetup and Xero Mastermind Facebook group. As a chartered accountant and chartered certified accountant and certified Xero & MYOB software advisor she has the knowledge, expertise and credibility to talk about your business solution to the accounting and bookkeeping community.

Listening, Learning and Talking tour of the USA

During May 2019 I am travelling across the USA, on a Listening, Learning and Talking tour of the USA. Don’t worry I’m not planning to embellish my LinkedIn profile to read “International Speaker”. I’m tickled pink to be here and soak in everything I possibly can, develop some deep connections of the landscape and in [...]

2019-07-31T09:55:35+10:00May 2nd, 2019|0 Comments

Reducing fraud and improving supplier relationships through digital approval workflows | Martin Peirce

If you control the buying process, then first of all you can knock out the waste, the duplicate purchases, but also you can really control where your people are buying from as well. Today I am speaking with Martin Peirce from Zahara Software.  Can you share with our [...]

2021-05-15T23:09:04+10:00April 23rd, 2019|0 Comments

How Accountants Can Effectively Scale Power BI Analysis | Cameron Lynch

Today I am speaking with Cameron Lynch. Cameron is a Chartered Accountant and the founder of the Etani Business Platform. He believes he can help businesses survive and prosper in today’s disruptive environment. Cameron is experienced with Business Intelligence (BI), Analytics, Big Data and implementing cloud-based solutions to streamline reporting systems.Live data has a significant [...]

2021-05-15T23:10:30+10:00April 15th, 2019|1 Comment

What are cloud-based app solutions? My interview on the Tax Wrap podcast.

I was interviewed about Accounting Technology on the Tax Wrap podcast. Steve Burnham and I talked about: What are cloud-based app solutions? Can you compare traditional accounting software and cloud-based software? What are some business intelligence tools that a practice can make use of? With the cloud-based solutions, are there some SMSF or compliance [...]

2021-05-15T23:12:15+10:00December 28th, 2018|0 Comments

Addressing clients’ fear of the cloud

Accountants frequently ask me: “How can I encourage my own client base to adopt cloud accounting solutions”. When they do I share with them a story about a meticulously maintained historical museum in Landsborough, Queensland with the largest collection of hand-cranked wash boards and vintage washing machines I’ve ever seen. If there’s a chance your [...]

2018-12-19T16:08:05+10:00December 19th, 2018|0 Comments

PayVu simplifies payments from within Xero

I'm at #WCOA2018, and here with Dean Martin National Business Development Manager from PayVu. Dean, can you tell us a bit about what PayVu does? Dean Martin:              What we do is automate and securitize the payment process bookkeepers and accountants to make all payments for their clients. Heather Smith:          Mm-hmm (affirmative). And ... How do [...]

2018-11-22T08:37:53+10:00November 22nd, 2018|0 Comments

Chris Hooper – World’s First Accounting Futurist

My name is Chris Hooper, and I'm the C.E.O. of Accodex, which is a market network for freelance accountants. Heather Smith:        Excellent. Thank you. And I am glad to hear you pronounce it, Accodex. Because that's not how I would have pronounced it. When did you know you wanted to be an accountant? Chris [...]

2021-05-15T23:12:53+10:00October 31st, 2018|0 Comments

Laura Venables – Flipping the Australian Accounting conference model on its head

My name's Laura Venables, I'm the event director of AccounTech.Live and Accounting Business Expo. What does that really mean? A whole heap of things really. We are the facilitators of these two great exhibitions and conferences. As you know, they're both a pretty new style of event to the market in the last recent [...]

2021-05-15T23:18:21+10:00October 22nd, 2018|0 Comments

Colin Hewitt – Building a cashflow forecasting solution that the business owners can rely on

I'm Colin Hewitt. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Float, which is a cash-flow forecasting piece of software that helps small businesses. Heather Smith:          Sensational. So we last spoke, it seems like, four years ago on the podcast, when the podcast was new. And you had ... Float had been in business I guess [...]

2021-05-15T23:16:58+10:00October 10th, 2018|0 Comments
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