
The Cloud Stories podcast shares the stories behind the people who build or use Cloud Apps that extend the capability of online accounting software. It explores:

How to implement and integrate Cloud Apps with online accounting software to automate processes, improve productivity, and profitability;
How to build a business developing Cloud Apps;
How to adopt Cloud Apps, build your own preferred tech stack, and introduce Cloud Apps to your client base.

Accountants empowering their client base through podcasting | Tim Garth and Dan Osborne

"What we want is for our customers to be able to take the bull by the horns with their own information, their own understanding, and make some decisions, and grow their business." –Tim Garth and Dan Osborne, CATS Accountants. Today I’m speaking with Tim Garth and Dan Osborne co-hosts of Two Drunk Accountants podcast [...]

2021-05-09T00:37:05+10:00November 12th, 2020|0 Comments

How hosting a podcast helped this bookkeeper develop active listening skills | Alexi Boyd

"This is the advice we give to all of our clients. Get the business name nailed, get the business name registered under your umbrella or whatever organisations you are, do that super quick, so you don’t lose that. And then immediately go through all the socials and grab all of that name everywhere." – [...]

2021-05-09T00:46:56+10:00November 5th, 2020|0 Comments

Orangilicious Secrets to Building and Running a Highly Engaged Community | Catherine Walker

"Who I am online is exactly who I am in person. I guess that could be a decision point. Decide who you’re going to be. I would say be you. It’s worked for me."  Catherine Walker Community Manager, Xero Today I’m speaking with Catherine Walker Community Manager at Xero In this episode, we talk [...]

2021-05-09T00:52:52+10:00October 29th, 2020|0 Comments

Supporting Your Clients and Yourself Through Uncertainty | Dylan Burgess

Today I’m speaking with Dylan Burgess, Partner Relationship Manager of Float Cash Flow Forecasting. Dylan is based in Sydney, and prior to joining Float, he spent several years at HubDoc. Dylan joined our afternoon community chat, to lead a discussion on Supporting Your Clients and Yourself Through Uncertainty. With the community, we discussed how [...]

2021-05-09T00:54:52+10:00October 22nd, 2020|0 Comments

20 Trends Changing the World of Work and Transforming the Nature of Careers in Accountancy | Kevin Fitzgerald FCCA

Subscribe to the Accounting Apps newsletter here. Kevin can you share with us a bit about your background? Kevin:               Yes, and thank you for having me. It's always good to catch up with you. And I know we've caught up in multiple continents over the years, so it's [...]

2021-11-24T08:26:49+10:00October 15th, 2020|1 Comment

The Future of The Accounting Profession | Kenji Kuramoto

"One opportunity this pandemic did give us is it has allowed us to bring people together from all over the world. That is what we have here today truly a gathering of some of the top minds in the profession from around the world to give us some insights into what they think they [...]

2021-03-04T12:03:15+10:00October 8th, 2020|0 Comments

How to provide constructive feedback to apps | Beau Gaudron

Make sure that it's not something that you're doing wrong. Make sure you've done your research, to ensure there is not another way to tackle the issue Beau Gaudron Tech Ninja Growthwise We were grateful to have Beau Gaudron Tech Ninja from Growthwise join us for a conversations, brainstorm, & ideas exchange, around this [...]

2020-10-01T12:39:46+10:00October 1st, 2020|0 Comments

Building Communities, Influencer Marketing and Customer Experience 2.0 | Alison Ball

"The really successful communities are the ones where people really understand that the more you give, the more you get. And so I think of it as like ask and answer." – Alison Ball Today I’m speaking with Alison Ball Director of Marketing and Influencer Strategy for Liscio, Inc. In this episode, we talk [...]

2021-05-14T01:43:39+10:00September 24th, 2020|0 Comments

Has a black swan event changed this Evangelists views on niching? | David Leary

"Ultimately, if you're in the small business space and you're building an app that adds on to either QuickBooks or Xero, you're building apps really for accountants. You can't just build it for small business only and take the accountant out of the equation. They have to be a part of your equation and [...]

2021-05-14T01:45:21+10:00September 17th, 2020|0 Comments

How to Build Culture While Working Remotely | Brian Walsh

"Employees always come before the customer, because if you have happy employees and if you have a really good healthy culture in place, then your employees are going to provide an outstanding service to your clients." Brian Walsh, Country Manager ANZ of TOA Global Today’s interview is different from our normal interviews. I invited [...]

2021-05-14T03:32:49+10:00September 17th, 2020|0 Comments
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