
The Cloud Stories podcast shares the stories behind the people who build or use Cloud Apps that extend the capability of online accounting software. It explores:

How to implement and integrate Cloud Apps with online accounting software to automate processes, improve productivity, and profitability;
How to build a business developing Cloud Apps;
How to adopt Cloud Apps, build your own preferred tech stack, and introduce Cloud Apps to your client base.

The Storyteller Is the Most Powerful Person in the World | Paul Dunn

"More and more, we're understanding that technology is an enabler of more human things that we can do, if that makes sense. So, in other words, it gives us more freedom to become human". – Paul Dunn, Clarity & B1G1"That's probably a message to all of us, to be bolder in our execution. To be [...]

2024-11-22T22:12:02+10:00June 1st, 2023|0 Comments

The Three-step Approach to Software Implementation | Graeme Tennick

"We have struggles, we have battles. You could see, at times, we don't achieve things, but you only really lose if you don't take any lessons from it. So you win, or you learn". – Graeme Tennick, Chief Impact Officer of Tennick Accountants I am thrilled to bring you the third interview in our series of [...]

2023-06-01T22:51:47+10:00May 25th, 2023|0 Comments

A Rising Cornish Tide Raises All Ships | Paul Miller

"For me, it’s all about the soft things. It’s about feelings. It’s about looking after your clients making sure that you have their interest. So when you make a mistake, you actually own up to it. And, actually, being upfront about things. If you can’t do it, you actually have to say you can’t [...]

2023-06-01T23:02:24+10:00May 18th, 2023|0 Comments

The Power of 100 1% Improvements | Gareth Burton

"Every day look for 1% improvements. Just look for small gains. Don’t try and change the world overnight. Just make one small change each day or each week that you’re comfortable with. It will make a massive difference". – Gareth Burton, Assure UK and Progress Accountants. Today I’m bringing you an interview as part [...]

2023-06-01T22:54:21+10:00May 11th, 2023|0 Comments

How Leaders Prioritise Themselves, Reclaim Energy and Find Joy | Mel Kettle

Everybody should strive for a meaningful and purposeful life. And if you don't know what gives you purpose over your whole life, that's completely fine. But find a reason to get out of bed tomorrow. And one of the things that I love recommending to people is to go to bed thinking about something [...]

2023-06-01T23:26:31+10:00May 4th, 2023|0 Comments

Current Industry Trends and How They Impact the Accountants and Bookkeepers | Nick Sinclair

Have you ever been dumped in the surf? You’ve lost your footing. You’re disorientated and surrounded by swirling bubbly water. You’re running out of breath and starting to panic. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor and gauge the waves and brace yourself for impact. Then, with a firm footing, you are [...]

2023-06-01T23:28:57+10:00April 20th, 2023|0 Comments

Live at the Melbourne Accounting & Business Expo ’23

Last week was busy in Australia with two overlapping conferences; the Accounting and Business Expo in Melbourne and Accountex in Sydney. In the beginning, when we realised there would be overlapping conferences, I contacted both conference organisers, letting them know my focus was on providing the best outcomes for the accounting industry. I joined [...]

2023-06-01T23:30:28+10:00April 4th, 2023|0 Comments

Why This Job-Costing Solution Comes With Branded Baby Swag | Tony Harcourt

"We’re a job-costing platform in that our underlying goal is to give people real-time profitability data on their jobs. Not field service jobs, not plumbing jobs, going out and doing 10 jobs in a day, but projects, workshops, engineering factory jobs, where you want to track the margins on the time that you’ve spent, [...]

2024-11-22T22:25:22+10:00December 22nd, 2022|0 Comments

You no Longer Have to Grow Alone | Bryan Williams

"Partnerships are a two-way component, add more value to your clients, but in return, if you can accelerate clients coming back to you then that’s a good news story for a lot of firms". – Bryan Williams, Honey Stick Advisory Today I’m speaking with Bryan Williams, Founder of Hockey Stick Advisory. In this episode, [...]

2024-11-22T22:33:22+10:00December 15th, 2022|0 Comments
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