
The Cloud Stories podcast shares the stories behind the people who build or use Cloud Apps that extend the capability of online accounting software. It explores:

How to implement and integrate Cloud Apps with online accounting software to automate processes, improve productivity, and profitability;
How to build a business developing Cloud Apps;
How to adopt Cloud Apps, build your own preferred tech stack, and introduce Cloud Apps to your client base.

Using Online Advisory Services to Increase 🔺 Your Revenue

Today I’m sharing with you a panel discussion on the topic: Using online advisory services to increase your revenue from the Accounting and Finance Show Asia 2021. The panellists included: Willy Tan, Managing Director, Forbis Accounting Pte. Ltd. Henry Tan, Group CEO, Nexia TS Will Farnell, Founder, Farnell Clarke / willfarnell.com Some of the [...]

2021-10-16T21:19:58+10:00September 30th, 2021|0 Comments

Virtual Cards: The Future 📡 of SMB Payments | Daniel Kniaz

"We see ourselves as a very product-focused team. We spend a lot of time talking to our customers and that I think is one of the single most important things that we can be doing with our time". – Daniel Kniaz, DiviPay Today I’m speaking with Daniel Kniaz, CEO and Founder of DiviPay In [...]

2021-09-24T10:26:18+10:00September 23rd, 2021|1 Comment

Do Accounting Firms Need an Office 🏢 Anymore?

Today I’m sharing with you a panel discussion on the topic: Do Accounting Firms need an office anymore? produced by the Accounting and Finance Show Hong Kong 2021. Our expert panellists were from Australia and the UK. We were all cloud-first, though we had different size teams, and different set-ups, be it in-office, remote or hybrid [...]

2021-10-05T09:20:29+10:00August 19th, 2021|0 Comments

📢 Introducing the Xero App Store: Simplifying Small Businesses’ Digital Needs | Nick Houldsworth

Nick Houldsworth Exec GM Ecosystem of Xero joins me on the Cloud Stories podcast and we discuss the launch of the Xero App Store. Initially, Nick explains what the Xero App store is, and the thinking behind it. He shares how the App Store will help match the right app with the right customer, [...]

2021-11-01T14:08:41+10:00August 12th, 2021|0 Comments

How to Kickstart the Digitalisation of Your Practice in 2021 🛴

Today I’m sharing with you a panel discussion on the topic: How to Kickstart the Digitalisation of Your Practice in 2021. This session was produced by the Accounting and Finance Show, as part of the Digital Practice Summit Asia 2021.  Our expert panellists were all based in Singapore, and all at different stages [...]

2021-08-08T22:12:21+10:00August 5th, 2021|0 Comments

Shaping the 📡 Future of Your Firm – AccTech and the Digital Firm

Today I bring to you a panel discussion entitled Shaping the Future of Your Firm - AccTech and the Digital Firm. This follows on from last week's episode, where I shared the keynote speech I gave as part of the ACCA Virtual Conference 2021 Reshaping Finance: Digitally Enabled, Sustainability-Focused. This episode is the panel [...]

2021-08-02T16:16:33+10:00July 13th, 2021|0 Comments

6 Steps to Transform to a Digitally-Enabled and Sustainability-Focused Accountancy Services Firm

Today I’m sharing with you something a little bit different. I was asked to give a keynote speech as part of the ACCA Virtual Conference 2021 conference ACCA Virtual Conference 2021 Reshaping Finance: Digitally Enabled, Sustainability-Focused. The speech was entitled: 6 Steps to Transform to a Digitally-Enabled and Sustainability-Focused Accountancy Services Firm. The topic [...]

2021-07-11T20:08:46+10:00July 12th, 2021|0 Comments

Researching an App? How Accountants/Bookkeepers Charge Their Time ⌚ | Postcard

Postcards are short current episodes, addressing a topic that currently interests me, host - Heather Smith. In the App Advisory Mastermind group, someone asked how to charge for your time in scoping App Advisory, when the client kept changing their mind about what they needed. In this postcard, I talk about how I approach [...]

2021-08-02T16:17:13+10:00July 8th, 2021|0 Comments

Makers 🆚 Managers: The Battle Over Remote Work | Postcard

Postcards are short current episodes, addressing a topic that currently interests me, host - Heather Smith. In today's postcard, I share an article that resonated with me, from the Todoist blog post written by Fadeke Adegbuyi. Makers vs Managers: The Battle Over Remote Work Managers want to go back to the office. Employees aren’t [...]

2021-08-02T16:17:08+10:00July 2nd, 2021|0 Comments
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